Part 155: Ange's Choice

BGM: Bizarre Divertimento
By the time Battler and Ange reached it, it was falling apart like the sand in an hourglass. They tried punching and kicking it to make it break faster, but nothing they did hastened the process.

Judging by the speed the magic circles were crumbling and the general appearance of the whole scene, it looked like it would be over soon. However, even if it was just five minutes, would that be soon enough now?
They turned around.

Even for Battler, who had seen Beato's fights many times over, the battle between Lambdadelta and Bernkastel was so mind-defying that he couldn't think of a single word to describe it. When he finally managed to find a word, it was 'a universe'.
Each time a battle between Lambdadelta and Bernkastel unfolded, a universe was created between the pair of them. Big Bangs would take place, universes would be created, galaxies beyond number would be born and erased, born and erased. Then, just when it seemed that a Big Crunch had occurred and that the universe had met its demise, there would be another Big Bang, and another universe would be created. It was like watching gods playing. The two witches created and destroyed worlds over and over again, almost as though two Creators were fighting to prove that their universe was the right one. If you let your guard down in the slightest, then just watching this would steal your soul. That's how it felt.

A perfect balance maintained by two great powers can easily break by adding even a little strength to one side. However, actually rushing in there to add that little bit of strength would be literally suicidal.Like a moth flying into a furnace. It might burn up before it even reaches it.

Ange had no words to respond with. Her brother and everyone else would probably die. So, she wanted to die in the same place and the same time as everyone else. However, that could not be allowed, and she mustn't wish for it. She had already made up her mind. She had sworn... to live in the future, without turning back to look at everyone's deaths.

BGM: None
Surely, one of them had delivered a powerful blow. There were no further explosions, so surely, that strike had decided the match... When the smoke clears, who will be left standing...?
The magic circle sealing the key still needed several minutes to dissolve...

BGM: About Face
All that came into sight... was Bernkastel. There was no answering voice from Lambdadelta. If this was a sign of her victory, it did not cause Bernkastel's expression to grow any clearer.

...Bernkastel was still focusing all her nerves on the battle. So, she took no notice of Battler and Ange by the key. However, she would probably notice soon. And then, there would be nowhere to run. The last circle of the magic circle was starting to fade away. However, almost cruelly, the final circle went slower than the rest...
Seeing that, any hopes that it would dissolve in a minute, or maybe a few dozen seconds, were crushed absolutely. Battler readied himself.

With tears still pouring down her face, Ange lovingly rubbed her cheek against the hand that had been patting her head.

The smoke cleared completely, and they saw a huge cloud of candy bits floating around, like it was Lambdadelta's corpse. A star-shaped cookie bounced off of Bernkastel's head. It was missing one of its points, giving it a lonely feeling.

Bernkastel chewed the cookie... and swallowed it.

BGM: Flight
Bernkastel's stomach suddenly swelled like a balloon. The bulge rose from her stomach to her throat, then exploded like a firework from her mouth. From Bernkastel's mouth spewed fireworks, sparks, fragments of candy.

Bernkastel doubled over even more, still spitting up an exploding firework. The birth of a small universe from that sweet had hit her directly from the inside of her stomach. Even Bernkastel couldn't withstand that. As Bernkastel repeatedly vomited fireworks so violently that it seemed her guts would spill out, her body flickered in and out of existence, and she glared at Lambdadelta with a terrifying expression. Her body was flickering because she had taken so much damage that even maintaining her form was now difficult.

The reefs, which resisted the ocean that was trying to cover them, were smashing waves left and right. The Seven Sisters of Purgatory and the Inquisitors of Heresy specialized at close-range combat, and were rapidly building a mountain of corpses. The witches fought hard too, but they would have preferred to fight at a distance if they could. Just relying on fantasy creatures wouldn't be enough. In these battle conditions, all of the humans were thrust right into the center of the fight.
Everyone in the Ushiromiya family displayed a fighting spirit equal to the witches and guarded their backs. Even humans are not powerless. They have guns. If the goats supported fantasy, they could use these as the ultimate anti-magic weapons. If the goats supported mystery, they could use these in a much more obvious way. Those .45 Long Colt bullets delivered fatal wounds to each and every goat they struck.

Erika's razor-sharp scythe buried itself in Kinzo's chest. It dug straight into his heart, but the daring smile on Kinzo's face didn't even falter.

A punch containing all of Kinzo's last spark of life sent Erika flying.

As Erika tried to deliver the finishing blow, Krauss stepped in between them, blocking the way.

Krauss's left uppercut made Erika float in the air. Not by magic, but by the simple laws of physics. For an instant, Erika saw the moon...

Jessica's body blow made the goat's massive body cave in.

Jessica laughed embarrassedly. She looked even more relaxed than she had on the stage at the school festival.

The massive bodies that rushed at them, trying to deny their relationship and their very existence, had two choices: to be sliced or struck. Each time one of those bodies hit the floor, it became proof that the two of them existed.

The goat's log-sized fist buried itself in George's face. This was the middle of a massive, confused battle. There was no way to dodge an unexpected attack like that.

George had indeed been hit with a fist right to the center of his face. However, he didn't bend over backwards. Not even an inch. The goat started to wonder what it was he had hit. Hadn't he punched a human made of flesh...? It was as though... he had slammed his fist into a steel wall... and it was his fist that was hurting... However, the goat was too scared to move his fist from George's face. After all, if he did, the expression on that face would probably be too terrifying.
George's hand... knocked that fist away.

George was only grabbing the goat's massive fist in his tiny hand. However, that fist was being crushed as though it had a vise around it... Even though the other hand was so tiny, the goat couldn't even move its fist.

I accepted the fact that someone as pathetic as me would be bullied.

The goat's broken teeth flew through the air. George's furious feet split the heavens.

A goat's filthy finger touched Shannon's back. That finger... exploded and boiled away.

A blazing red light charred the goat's entire body. Shannon slowly turned around, her face full of rage and contempt.

An absolute barrier rose up around Shannon, burning up the goats around her with its flames.

Maria smiled, showing her teeth, and performed her job without even looking at her hands. Then, she tossed the fully loaded rifle straight up into the air.

Rosa, who stood back-to-back with Maria, caught it without turning around. No, that wasn't quite it. Maria had passed the gun to her mother perfectly without even looking back. Rosa's head was pointed at the ground... as she stroked the frigid trigger with her index finger.

The crowd of goats, cowed by Rosa's ferocity, didn't get any closer to her.

BGM: The Excecutioner
For a moment, she didn't realize what was happening. Was that cold feeling on her back... the ground? Huh? Why am I... lying down...? And wasn't the moon full? Why isn't it now...? Come to think of it, my teeth... hurt. There's something cold... and hard.
Then, she figured it out. She was lying sprawled on the ground, with a gun barrel shoved into her mouth. And the thing splitting the moon... was the angry king of wolves protecting its child.

The gun barrel exploded inside her mouth, shattering her medulla oblongata. But it was only her afterimage.

Erika, who had escaped death at the last moment by leaving an afterimage, found a metallic flash right before her eyes, which had been there even before she reappeared. The fountain pen went right through Erika's eye, crushing it. Of course, that was another afterimage. However, when Erika escaped and reappeared somewhere else, a heel was already there waiting for her... From the goats' perspective, several afterimages of Erika seemed to be appearing at once, all of which were pierced by Rosa at the same time...

And so, Erika couldn't reappear anymore. At the very least, not within Rosa's range of attack. Erika put a lot of distance between her and Rosa, reappearing in midair.

Erika's animal instincts made her turn her head slightly to the side just in time. Where her head used to be, there was an odd shower of sparks. It wasn't magic. It was a real physical phenomenon cased by lead smashing against lead. To think that two bullets shot from different angles... could have flown with impossible precision at where her head once was... so that both of them hit and bounced off each other like billiard balls.

The two of them spun their rifles in exactly the same way at exactly the same time, reloading them in a way that put old westerns to shame, then pointed them back up at where Erika was in the sky.

Once again, their accurate shots plunged through the forehead of Erika's afterimage, bouncing off each other like billiard balls with a shower of sparks. This time, Erika appeared far behind them. She had to admit it. She had been forced to escape to a place outside the range of those guns fired by humans.
Then, the light from the moon was blocked. The place that she had fled to so rapidly exploded, sending chunks of rubbish flying. A massive long sword had been plunged into the ground. It was Dlanor's sword.

She had dodged by a hair, but this bulky, brutal longsword was more of a cannonball shaped like a sword than something for cutting with. Even though she dodged it, the blast of air pressure made her eardrums throb. Dlanor was serious. She seriously intended to smash Erika to bits.

Dlanor's hair bristled with rage. Seeing this expression on the one she had once called a friend... pinned Erika to the spot.

The force of anger that welled from Dlanor's whole body struck Erika. Or rather, the swirl of blasting wind from Dlanor's massive longsword sent her flying. The cannonball with a blade repeatedly cracked the ground just after Erika leapt away. So, it almost looked as though Erika was jumping backwards, smashing the earth beneath her with each jump.

The great longsword split the air again, pulverizing the ground. However, this time, Erika was nowhere to be seen. Where did she escape to?

Practically speaking, she had run away. Fully aware of this, Erika howled, her face contorted with humiliation. Her shoulders heaved with her breathing, and she had even forgotten to fix her hair...
The scythe fell from her hand and landed with a clank to the floor. That sound brought her back to her senses.

The warships that had flown into the Golden Land opened their gun ports one after another, then they all fired at once in a scattered mess of cannonballs. The hundreds of explosive rounds they fired would negate the concept of any thing or person they touched, smash them into little bits, and set them ablaze with flames. The battlefield full of writhing goats became a fiery hell.
A cannonball smashed the arbor. The once-beautiful garden maze was burned down bit by bit and the fleeing gold butterflies were wrapped in flames, burning into nothingness like little scraps of paper. This was no longer a battlefield where two sides fought for victory. It was just a confused, hellish pot.

The once-beautiful rose garden was filled with explosion craters, and its rose petals were scattered about without pity. Flying bits of flesh, blood, fangs, jaws. Shrieks and half-crazed screams. And even amidst this hellish swirl, the goats and the dead continued to fight. As seen from atop the boats, this was, without a doubt, hell.

When Erika yelled, the goats on the boats ran around frantically, and one by one, massive anchors hanging by chains were thrown from the ships' bows down into the earth below. Those anchors smashed through not only the ground, but the bottom of the Golden Land itself, digging in with their wedge-shaped tips.

Beatrice landed on the front tip of the warship, facing off against Erika, who stood on the bow.

Beato jabbed with her pipe. It transformed into a beautifully intricate, long and golden sword.

Erika threw her scythe up into the air. When it returned to her hand, it had become a sword similar to Beato's. The nearby goats crowded around Erika, trying to support her.

Aye aye, sir! The goats bowed and rushed to their posts. Several dozen ships had lowered their anchors, digging into the base of the Golden Land. Soon, they were going to pull them up, and try to tear the Golden Land to pieces.

BGM: The Executioner
Beato raised her sword, bowed in the ancient fashion, and waited for her duel opponent. Erika kicked off her shoes violently and slowly walked up to the tip of the boat barefoot. Then, in accordance with Beato's rules, she bowed back.
A duel on the prow of a ship that pierced the sky. Below, the crowd of goats was being blasted away by the indiscriminate cannonballs, burned up and crushed in the panorama of this world's end. By now, it would be stupid to wonder whether anyone from the Ushiromiya family was still all right. Yes, it truly was the end of this world. The end of the Golden Land. Ground to dust, filled with flames. The golden rose garden was burning spectacularly, with bits of flame and golden splashes flying about. The ground creaked as fissures ran through it. Through the base of the Golden Land. All of the ships started pulling up their anchors at once. Crowds of strong goats used all of their monstrous strength to lift them.
The anchors that dug into the Golden Land's base... spread cracks throughout the entire Golden Land. Not just the ground, but the air itself was filled with cracks, and shards of gold fell down everywhere. The Golden Land's end was adorned with the flames of hell and streaking gold fragments, with fiery red and ephemeral gold.
Atop the boat's prow, Beato and Erika looked down on this, their swords crossed and sparks flying between them.

A duel between the master of the illusion called the Golden Land and the witch who controlled truth. The earth split behind them. The Golden Land was torn up. The cat box known as the Golden Land was ripped apart, and the nothingness below peeked out through the cracks. The scrambling crowd of goats fell through the gaps and were swallowed by the sea of nothingness. Beato's friends were among them. They helped each other, lent a hand to each other, unwilling to sacrifice anyone until the final moment. Still, what a romantic and fragile illusion is the end of the world.
The ground shattered and sank. It fell apart into the ocean of nothingness. None could survive. None could be saved. This was... destruction. As the friends fell into the sea of nothingness, they looked up one last time... and prayed. They prayed that the master of the Golden Land would leave proof that the Golden Land had indeed existed. However, Beato didn't look down at them. They wouldn't have wanted her to.